Tobacco products are only for adults.
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Pocket scale / up to 200g / scaling 0.01 g
Pocket scale / up to 200g / scaling 0.01 g
Pocket scale / up to 200g / scaling 0.01 g
L128 x D78 x H21 mm
Article highlights
- Scale 0,01 g
- Lid
- Up to 200 g

Article highlights
- Scale 0,01 g
- Lid
- Up to 200 g

Technical data
Product safety information
Order history
There is no further information to this product.
Technische Daten

Safety information
no risks
Wirtschaftsakteur nach ProdSG
Hermann Hauser GmbH, Josef-Schorer-Straße 9, 86179 Augsburg, DE, info@hauser-augsburg.de
To see your previous orders, please log in.
Technical data
Order history
There is no further information to this product.
Technische Daten
To see your previous orders, please log in.
There is no further information to this product.
Technical data
Technische Daten
Product safety information

Safety information
no risks
Wirtschaftsakteur nach ProdSG
Hermann Hauser GmbH, Josef-Schorer-Straße 9, 86179 Augsburg, DE, info@hauser-augsburg.de
Order history
To see your previous orders, please log in.

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