B Humidipak 2-way humidifer big 84     13.4 x 9 cm
B Humidipak 2-way humidifer big 84     13.4 x 9 cm
B Humidipak 2-way humidifer big 84     13.4 x 9 cm
B Humidipak 2-way humidifer big 84 13.4 x 9 cm
Befeuchtung zwischen 79-84% - Inhalt: 60g pro Beutel
für bis zu 25 Zigarren, Seasoning
Article highlights
- Humidification pack
- Humidification level: 79 - 84 %
- Suitable for storing 25 cigars (per bag)
- For all humidor sizes

Article highlights
- Humidification pack
- Humidification level: 79 - 84 %
- Suitable for storing 25 cigars (per bag)
- For all humidor sizes

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The humidipaks from Boveda regulate the humidity in both directions. In contrast to conventional humidification systems, Boveda guarantees a stable humidity level, which preserves the natural oils and sugars of the cigars and thus enables unrestricted smoking pleasure.
Each humidipak absorbs or releases small amounts of moisture, depending on the current conditions in the immediate surroundings. The packs are simply placed in the humidor; neither activation nor maintenance is necessary.
A 60 gram pack is suitable for storing up to 25 cigars; if the number is higher, the use of several packs is recommended.

Please note:
- Do not combine Boveda humidipaks with different moisture levels in one container
- Do not use any other humidification products together with the Boveda humidipaks

Technische Daten
up to 25 cigars
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Technical data
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The humidipaks from Boveda regulate the humidity in both directions. In contrast to conventional humidification systems, Boveda guarantees a stable humidity level, which preserves the natural oils and sugars of the cigars and thus enables unrestricted smoking pleasure.
Each humidipak absorbs or releases small amounts of moisture, depending on the current conditions in the immediate surroundings. The packs are simply placed in the humidor; neither activation nor maintenance is necessary.
A 60 gram pack is suitable for storing up to 25 cigars; if the number is higher, the use of several packs is recommended.

Please note:
- Do not combine Boveda humidipaks with different moisture levels in one container
- Do not use any other humidification products together with the Boveda humidipaks

Technische Daten
up to 25 cigars
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The humidipaks from Boveda regulate the humidity in both directions. In contrast to conventional humidification systems, Boveda guarantees a stable humidity level, which preserves the natural oils and sugars of the cigars and thus enables unrestricted smoking pleasure.
Each humidipak absorbs or releases small amounts of moisture, depending on the current conditions in the immediate surroundings. The packs are simply placed in the humidor; neither activation nor maintenance is necessary.
A 60 gram pack is suitable for storing up to 25 cigars; if the number is higher, the use of several packs is recommended.

Please note:
- Do not combine Boveda humidipaks with different moisture levels in one container
- Do not use any other humidification products together with the Boveda humidipaks

Technical data
Technische Daten
up to 25 cigars
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